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"limits.txt" from the official MiNT-Documentation of the latest kernal release.

For questions, suggestions, critism etc. please email me.

[PREV] fatfs.doc minttime_doc [NEXT]

 * This is a list of theoretical and practical tested limits of
 * the FreeMiNT filesystem drivers.
 * begin:       1999-06-06
 * last change: 1999-06-06
 * Author: Frank Naumann - <>
 * Please send your results or oppinions to me or
 * the MiNT mailing list.

(default filesystem, map all calls to the underlying GEMDOS)

- same restrictions as the underlying GEMDOS

(completly new written FAT filesystemdriver, support FAT/VFAT/FAT32;
TOS, DOS and Windows compatible)

maximum partition size
                 FAT16 : 2 GB               tested:  2 GB
                 FAT32 : > 16 TB            tested: 10 GB
maximum file size      : 2 GB               tested:  2 GB
block size             : 512 byte - 32 kb   tested: 512 byte - 32 kb

physical blocksize must be smaller or
equal to logical blocksize                : yes

tested with physical blocksize > 512 byte : not yet tested

(Unix filesystem; Minix compatible)

maximum partition size : 2 GB               tested:  2 GB
maximum file size      : 2 GB               tested:  1 GB
block size             : 1 kb               tested:  1 kb

physical blocksize must be smaller or
equal to logical blocksize                : yes

tested with physical blocksize > 512 byte : not supported

(Unix Filesystem; Linux ext2 compatible)

maximum partition size : > 16 TB            tested: 10 GB
maximum file size      : 2 GB               tested:  2 GB
block size             : 1, 2, 4 kb         tested: 1, 2, 4 kb

physical blocksize must be smaller or
equal to logical blocksize                : yes

tested with physical blocksize > 512 byte : not yet tested

[PREV] fatfs.doc minttime_doc [NEXT]

Last Update: Thu Apr 27 22:04 MET 2000     by